
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another Frog Story!

So, a long time ago (about 7 1/2 years) I spent the summer at Camp Birchtrail in Minong, Wi. There are many great Birchtrail stories, but tonight you get the frog one as I was reminded of it at work today.

One night at camp we had the most amazing thunder storm ever. It poured buckets of rain and there was very little time all night that you could not hear thunder. Even better was the lightening which literally lit up the sky all night. Well hearing that much rain on a tin roof is amazing unless you need to go to the bathroom. E was 11 I think. She really needed to go, but the bathroom was a bit of a walk and she was both scared and wanting to stay dry (from the rain). We tried to talk her into using the bushes right behind the cabin but she refused and eventually had to go so bad that she ran to the bathroom without shoes as there was not enough time to put them on.

E screamed on the way back and we thought that maybe she fell in the mud, but she came in the cabin door a few seconds later shaking. She explained that she stepped on something gross on the way back. She couldn't tell what it was, but it felt slimey and gross. We thought little of it, helped her clean the mud off and finally got her to go back to bed.

In the morning, just a few feet from the cabin door we found the "something gross." E had stepped on a frog. The even grosser part was what we learned that morning about frogs, you see when a frog gets squished it's guts come out it's mouth and stay there as it is now dead. E threw up on her frog, knowing that she stepped on that pile of grossness was just too much.

Yesterday while discussing my roomie frog with a coworker the story of E came up. The really weird part was that coworker finding a similarly squished frog in the parking lot. So now all you readers can avoid using your imagination and just look at the photo below to see what a squished frog looks like. Don't barf on your keyboard :D

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Well, I didn't think that would ever happen!

So... do you remember 2 entries ago I told you about my new visitor?
Well this morning he decided to move in. He must have liked the warm damp weather in my bathroom a little better than the cold damp flowerbed outside the door.

I was surprisingly calm. For a girl who still gets a little crazy over spiders and crickets a frog could have caused a very serious reaction. I thought quickly and ran to the kitchen for a glass. He was already in a corner, so capturing him was kind of easy.

Then the tricky part. This works for crickets by putting a piece of paper under the cup, but frogs weigh more than crickets so I found a postcard and carefully slid that under. He was a little scared of Yosemite, but then again for someone so small the view from half dome would be frightening.

Then I put a tupperware lid under that, no sense chancing an escape.

My little friend was taken to the other side of the building across the parkinglot and released by the river. I don't want him too close now that he thinks I am looking for a roommate. (He's jumping behind the tall green leaf in this one.)

When my neighbor started smirking at the turbie twist on my head. I told him that when there's a frog in your house you don't have time to dry your hair before you play catch and release.