Well this morning he decided to move in. He must have liked the warm damp weather in my bathroom a little better than the cold damp flowerbed outside the door.
I was surprisingly calm. For a girl who still gets a little crazy over spiders and crickets a frog could have caused a very serious reaction. I thought quickly and ran to the kitchen for a glass. He was already in a corner, so capturing him was kind of easy.
Then the tricky part. This works for crickets by putting a piece of paper under the cup, but frogs weigh more than crickets so I found a postcard and carefully slid that under. He was a little scared of Yosemite, but then again for someone so small the view from half dome would be frightening.
Then I put a tupperware lid under that, no sense chancing an escape.
My little friend was taken to the other side of the building across the parkinglot and released by the river. I don't want him too close now that he thinks I am looking for a roommate. (He's jumping behind the tall green leaf in this one.)
When my neighbor started smirking at the turbie twist on my head. I told him that when there's a frog in your house you don't have time to dry your hair before you play catch and release.